Happy Earth Day!
Taking care of the earth can be done in big or small ways. While it's great to participate in beach clean-ups and tree plantings, sometimes it's the little, everyday choices that can create the biggest change. By tweaking our daily habits some of our most ordinary daily routines can become a little more eco-friendly. Here are a few of my most eco-savvy items that can help you leave less of a footprint on our earth, little by little:1. Coffee Cup Cozy
Now, of course it's better to bring your own cup to your favorite coffee shop. But sometimes you forget, and when you are traveling it's not so easy. Or if you are like me, it's not too hygienic -- I always forget to wash the cup in my car until it's growing like a science project! Enter these fun little coffee cozies.
They may not seem like a big deal when you are using a paper cup already, but every little bit helps. In 2011, Starbucks alone used (and their customers promptly discarded) almost 3 BILLION of their cardboard cup sleeves. That's a lot of excess paper going into landfills and a lot of trees being cut down!
2. Plastic Bag Holder
Again, not the most green sounding item, but this item encourages multiple uses for what is usually a single use item. I typically use my reusable bags, but I still end up with a few plastic bags here and there that I like to save and reuse. And now with many cities and counties banning plastic bags, there is even more of a reason to save and hoard the ones you do get!
3. Ice Cream Cozy

This one may be a bit of a stretch, but it does eliminate the need for a bowl, which saves water and...um, energy to heat the dishwasher and...saves soap and .... ok, it's not the most earth-friendly item out there, but it's awfully handy! No one likes frozen fingers!
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